Tuesday, August 4, 2009

"Speak English or Filipino Language is very Important"

In the Philippines, English and Filipino are the common languages using by the Filipino Citizens even though Filipino is our national language.
It is even more important it being the Philippines official language.This lets Filipinos earn higher knowledge and ability to read, write, listen and speak English. All academic curricula from the low class government school to the most famous private school are loaded with subjects taught in English; thus, a Filipino is always guaranteed of A-1 English curriculum from Physical Education to Physics subjects.
English language is highly recommend for Filipinos to learn because this is a world wide language. it is not enough for us to have a degree. Every business centers require an applicant to read, write, listen and speak English even just for a low-playing job. Some Filipinos speak Taglish which is not supposed to be because if you want to talk in English, begin your English, and end it in English. in other words, if someone talks to you in English, answer him in English but if he talks to you in Filipino answer him in Filipino.


  1. hi,..

    your post is a little bit hard to understand.

    did u say that if english is our official language it will give us a greater/higher knowledge? so, why is that so?
    didnt you ever think that we should be thankful enough because we have our own language that makes us Filipino's different from other people?

    however, we have our own ideas and opinions.


  2. ahhmmm...nice work..
    keep up the good work..

  3. Yeah you're right..we are so lucky to have our own language but are you contented or are you going to stick to our own language?...Didn't you know that learning how to speak in english is very important because this is the only language that will connect us to other countries and for us to be able to understand each other.

  4. anyway, thanks for sharing your opinion...
