Sunday, August 9, 2009

"My reflection or insights on the learnings and experiences for the first quarter"

The learnings or discoveries that I have learned in this first grading period is all about the History of Internet, How to create a blogger, A Porfolio of Metrics, How to join the yahoo group in Jacinto and many more that I have learned in this grading.
The problems or challenges that I have encountered in this are how to create a blogger and yahoo group in Jacinto. It is hard but it is just right because I know now to join the blogger.;
I think right because I have so many learned that I have encountered in this grading that I did not yet experience, like the blog. I am happy because I have my own blogger. If you post a blogger all the people in the world can read. But it is hard to put a blogger in our computer in school because it is very slow to correspond the internet and we are so many student to use the internet in our school.


  1. ...hellow!
    ..uhmm,.nice work, but try to make it longer next time...hehe
    ,,..good luck...

  2. ()()


    nyc blOg... keEp it
